Mission aux Seychelles
Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer que le Consortium régional pour l’Économie générationnelle (CREG), représenté par le Professeur Latif Dramani, participera à une série de séances
The analysis of the demographic dividend in Africa is one of the development imperatives to which African leaders have committed themselves, notably through the African Union’s roadmap: « harnessing the potential of the demographic dividend ».
With this in mind, the Sahel Women’s Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) project, initiated by the World Bank, is being implemented to lead the Sahel countries to a full exploitation of the demographic dividend in order to promote women’s empowerment.
The Gambia, which recently joined SWEDD, is committed to the process with a series of training sessions organized with the technical assistance of the CREG and the financial support of the UNFPA through the World Bank.
The main aim of the first capacity-building session is to introduce Gambian experts to the concepts and methodologies for measuring the demographic dividend. It will take place in Banjul from October 16 th to 20 th .
The second session will involve training Gambian experts in the production of Gender and Demographic Dividend Monitoring Indices (DDMI and GDDI) from October 26 th to November 04 th in Banjul.
The expected outcomes of these workshops include the appropriation of the experts from the sectorial ministries and the statistics institute of the methodologies and the production of reports on the demographic dividend, as well as the national report and the dimensional reports that will enable the monitoring of The Gambia’s efforts in harnessing the demographic dividend.’
Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer que le Consortium régional pour l’Économie générationnelle (CREG), représenté par le Professeur Latif Dramani, participera à une série de séances
Du 16 au 24 décembre 2024, le Consortium Régional pour l’Économie Générationnelle (CREG), en partenariat avec le SWEDD via la Banque mondiale, organise un atelier
Le projet régional SWEDD+ (Projet d’Autonomisation des Femmes et Dividende Démographique en Afrique subsaharienne) a été officiellement lancé du 16 au 18 décembre 2024 à
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