Sahel's Countries Window Of Opportunity : 38 years to harness Demographic Dividend

Conscious of their economic and social situation characterized by a strong economic dependence, gender inequalities, a weak economy, food crises, a high level of poverty, very high fertility and mortality rates and an unattractive business climate. Policy makers in SWEDD countries have put in place a number of policies to improve the economic and social situation, including the development of human capital through efficient and effective investments, along with supportive governance and a labor market in order to benefit from the demographic dividend that makes the SWEDD Project unique and to put itself on the paths of emergence.


Dependency In SWEDD Countries : A surplus period of 36 years on average

The economic dependence of sub-Saharan African populations has become endemic and deserves special attention. The SWEDD zone has a very broad age pyramid at the base, a sign of high representativeness of the younger age groups. The dependency ratio measures the number of people of inactive age per 100 people of working age (population aged 15 to 59). In the assessment of the levels of economic dependence in the SWEDD area, the application of the NTA methodology makes a major contribution to the understanding of the phenomenon.


Gender In SWEDD Countries

In sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the SWEDD countries, the question of the empowerment of women and gender equality is taken into account by the main instruments of economic and social planning even if there is some disparities in levels of consideration of gender in SWEDD countries and the effectiveness of its application. Indeed, the area of SWEDD men are more represented in the management of public affairs. They mainly hold land and have better access to education and employment. However, an improvement is noted in the living conditions of women and gender, including disparities in maternal health and education level.


Youth and Labor Market in SWEDD Countries : Wealth that comes mostly from Self-Employment

Improving the labor market is a major issue for economic and social development. In Africa and more particularly in the SWEDD countries where half of the population is under 25, the employment problem is very often correlated and / or amplified by the age structure of the population. In this regard, several programs have been implemented with the aim of taking charge of youth employment in order to enable them to play their full role in the economic and social development of their country. However, the expected results have not followed the fact that the SWEDD countries labor market is characterized by a weak supply in relation to demand, by a lowskilled labor force, by a lack of training and professional qualifications, the importance of the informal sector, ...


Governance In SWEDD Countries : Encouraging performances

Peace, security, democracy, respect for human rights and sound economic management are prerequisites for sustainable economic development. Indeed, it has been acknowledged that public and private investments are hampered by issues related to the democratic process, the multiplication of civil wars, ethnic conflicts, a climate of risk and uncertainty that reduces the profitability of investments or discourages them. In this context, the management of peace and security becomes an imperative necessity or prerequisites for attracting private capital. Recognizing that good governance is essential to enhancing the effectiveness of government action and stimulating private investment and hence growth, the sub-Saharan economies and more particularly in the SWEDD countries have backed their development strategies on the promotion of good governance.


Inclusive Growth In SWEDD Countries : When Inclusion Remains a Challenge

In the last decade, there has been a sustained increase in Gross Domestic Product in sub-Saharan Africa reflecting an improvement in economic growth. This increase in growth results from the economic and social transformations experienced by economies in the areas of productivity, education, health, and so on. However, a segment of the labor force seems excluded from growth. But it must be inclusive so that the well-being obtained can benefit all segments of the population. It is part of the conditions to be met for economic growth to lead to economic development. The issue of inclusive growth in SWEDD countries is inevitably linked to the demography of these countries, to the informal sector, to productivity and more specifically to financial exclusion.


Sahel's Economic Clusters : An alternative for local development

The approach by the economic poles of growth is one of the most widely shared solutions for economic development benefiting the whole country. Indeed, the economic poles are generally defined according to the concentration of one or more economic activities in a space and the impact of these activities on the surrounding economies. It is particularly suitable for SWEDD countries in that the economy of its countries is characterized by a weak diversification of economic activities, the main activity being often concentrated in the traditional sector and is limited to the activities of the primary sector such as Agriculture, livestock, fishing and mining.


Private Returns to Education in SWEDD Countries : A growing function of education level

Development is at the heart of economic debates. Among the essential parameters for its implementation is human capital, which is considered as an explanatory factor for economic growth and the improvement of economic and social well-being. The contribution of human capital to economic growth depends on its quality and quantity. The SWEDD countries have initiated several policies to improve the quality of the education sector in order to make it more profitable. The purpose of this report is to highlight the situation in which the education system is located and the resulting profitability for individuals in terms of income.


Poverty Transition in SWEDD Countries : Signi¬ficant vulnerabilities

Poverty surveys carried out in different SWEDD countries were conducted at different times and generally show a downward trend in the proportion of poor people in the countries. The present study has led to identify in the SWEDD area, categories of households that are not able to accumulate enough assets or to generate enough income to raise their consumption expenditure above a minimum level, over a long period. It was found that there is a large portion of the population in the SWEDD area that has had an acceptable and stable level over the study period (40%). However, chronic poverty and vulnerable situations are also very important and affect more male-headed households and those headed by older ones.


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